Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our new water system!

Right now we are hauling up containers of water to take care of the garden on the roof. With a little help from some volunteers who are here installing a water tank I was able to put together 2 rain barrels on the roof! To increase the amount of rain water we can catch, I installed umbrellas on the lids of the barrels. The tops I cut out and glued on window screens to prevent mosquitoes from getting into the water and the guys helped me by caulking the umbrellas onto the lids! Better than the contact cement I was about to use!
Nehemie and Michela helped me drill a hole is the side of each barrel. They were excited to see a power tool in action! The water taps have been caulked and installed so the barrels are ready!
It has been pointed out to me that they may be an excellent conductor of electricity if there is lightening (thanks Jules) so now to go about cutting off the handles..............

Let it rain!


  1. So cool!! You rock. You're going to have the best roof top garden in all of Haiti.

  2. How about we trade you some of our flood water here in Brisbane...there's more rain than we can handle. I love how you've become the Haitian Macguyver!

  3. The word 'AWESOME' is appropriate for this incredible Water System!!

    You never seize to amaze me!


  4. Your resume continues to expand my friend! Amazing!
