Thursday, December 30, 2010


Sweet little Givensky fell into the fire at his house last week. He and his mother (Julie) are blind. His little sisters can both see and all are so precious. They all came to the clinic today to have his wounds cleaned and it took 3 of us to help him. Sam (student nurse) and Emily (missionary nurse living at Pator Daniel's) worked as fast as they could to first take the toothpaste off him his mother had covered him in and then cleaned his wounds. We're still not sure if it's a Haitian thing to use toothpaste or if she didn't know what she had in her hand.
Thankfully, he still liked me afterwards and came to get hugs and to hold my hand. Maybe to comfort me after the trauma of him screaming................"Ne fait pas sa!" ...... "Don't do that!"
Still makes me cry to think about it.

1 comment:

  1. reading your blog makes me cry! how long will you be there?
