Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm sitting in the office listening to the children singing at NEHLM. (Pastor Daniel's) Always soothing for some reason even when I cannot understand all of it.

I have settled in this past month at NEHLM after being home in Vancouver for my 1st Christmas in 5 years! Had a wonderful time with family and friends and got as organized as possible for 2013 in Haiti. Even got to see some hockey - thankfully the NHL came back while I was home. ;)

Landing back on the island I immediately had guests! The Budke family came down from ALASKA for a visit. It was so special because they adopted 2 children from Cap Haitian 9 years ago and this was their first visit back with the kids. Manny is now 14 and Halle is 11. I felt privileged to be able to be part of that experience for them. AND Chris and Manny built a wonderful gate for the 3 Acres! You can check out the photos at my Jen in Haiti facebook page.  Jen in Haiti
We took a trip to the Citadel which is always an adventure and spent some quality time with the kids at NEHLM.

On the 3 ACRES
The Moringa is ready to transplant onto the 3 Acres and we should be able to start harvesting by June! I have run into a few people since I have been back that I need to get some to so I have a list started! And as you can see we have tomatoes! The cherry tomatoes are doing the best so far and have been TASTY. Now we just have to figure out how to get them back to the house without eating half of them.
The boys have been helping to water. No rain since NOVEMBER except for about 4 days. We desperately need it. I have all the money for the well committed, waiting on cheques to clear and to figure out pump/generator and we will be set. I am so thankful for the support for this!
We are SLOWLY teaching the boys about composting and what is good for the garden (paper) and bad for the garden (plastic). As I sat this morning with my coffee looking out at the back garden at the boys house I started to laugh. PAPER thrown under a banana tree............. They kind of got it! I'll take it! We had originally talked about it going into the compost but we'll work with what we get.
Usually I take the older boys to the garden to water and plant seeds however I took the 4 itty bitties the other day. When I asked if they wanted to go they all scrambled as fast as they could and grabbed a "galon" - a plastic container to water with. I had to explain that they would not be watering. I have no desire to have the go to the river and fall in............ We composted some fruit scraps (which they thought was HILARIOUS) and planted tomatoes, eggplant and coresol.
Mango season is coming pretty quick. Already people are starting to throw rocks at trees to get them down or take sticks to whack them down even though they are green.
I've ordered 20 COCONUT TREES for the 3 Acres! I admit, it's a favorite thing. And they will help create a bit of shade to the area we will be using as a "starter" garden. Lots of work ahead! I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date!

If you would like to help:
Donating - Help It Grow

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